Lunch Clubs

We are excited to introduce a new wellbeing initiative – St Joey’s Lunch Clubs.  

These lunch time options are an initiative of our staff wellbeing priority team and help our school progress towards our annual school wellbeing goal - To strengthen our school ecosystem that has a positive effect on engagement and readiness for learning. To enable a culture of connection and purpose, safety, and stretch.

Lunch clubs provide students with the opportunity to explore new interests, develop skills beyond the classroom and build relationships with peers. Run by our dedicated teachers, each club offers a unique experience, from musical theatre and knitting to yoga, arts, technology and gardening.

We invite parents to encourage their children to participate and discover the joy of learning in a fun, social setting. Stay tuned for more details on club offerings and schedules and a HUGE thank you to our teachers who facilitate these opportunities in addition to regular duties and responsibilities.


© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Joseph's Tobruk Memorial School (2024)