School Prayer

In alignment with our annual school goal in the area of Catholic Identity, ‘to revitalise the prayer life of the school to visibly express and celebrate our Catholic Story through rituals and prayer that is joyful and contextualised to the community’, and in the “Year of Prayer’ as declared by Pope Francis, we are thrilled to announce the endorsement of our new school prayer.

The journey to create this prayer has been a collaborative effort involving many drafts and consultations with parents, students, staff, Fr. Subin, and Brisbane Catholic Education.

Our school community has been praised for ‘crafting a beautiful prayer that honors both the history and contemporary actions of everyone at St. Joseph’s’. The endorsement comments highlighted the ‘synodal’ process we undertook, engaging a wide range of stakeholders throughout the drafting process. The entire school community is congratulated for their dedication to strengthening and revitalising the prayer life of our school.

We look forward to launching this prayer in Term Four in our assemblies.​


© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Joseph's Tobruk Memorial School (2024)